Sunday, July 10, 2011


They say Innocence is blessed and ignorance often bliss
But what pleasures and passions do lovers then miss
Who do not tempt fate and wonder into the wouds
With what ifs, and what fors and why nots and coulds
What joyous secrets are shared with the few
And everyone blames Eve, but Adam ate two
The wild passion of bodies and minds at play
Too divine for the garden to be allowed to stay
Starstruck lovers who would plow their own ground
Find water, beasts and shelter safe and sound
Build walls to protect them, and make weapons true
Only to fight with one another and make two of two
Had they but stayed in the fine whence they came
Followed the law, lived yet more of the same
Had happiness still heaped from fatherly hand
And lived in garden no not from the land
There’d never be the story you and me
Our joys, our finds, the divine mystery

A friend pointed out this song which is in someways similar to my poem. I see it dealing more with having a dead faith, then awakening it only to find oneself to become part of the machine distanced from faith and God.

1 comment:

  1. Facebook John Arasim: To analytical for a sexual experience....opinion offered after one fifth of vodka.
    Thanks John! I adjusted the tags. It might be more about how worlds are altered by desire and determination.
